
reducing food waste app icon
Photo Vault App icon
Shopwise app icon
Grocery Online Shopping App logo/icon
dating video call icon
App Icon for ProWriting
a twisty app icon
Harbor discovery app needs a great app icon
bus schedules app with a Nordic twist
Unicorn app icon
reducing food waste app icon


Hi! Im Carlo Masaya, a skilled graphic designer. My passion is to create icons and logos out of simple yet wild ideas. I'm dedicated to my work that will assure your satisfaction in my project with you in the future.

If you have any queries, suggestions or propositions about your icons and logos, I'm always available to have a 1 to 1 project.

Member since: November 09, 2012
Contests won
Runner up
1-to-1 Projects
Repeat clients
Brand guide
Top Level




"Thanks for working with our ideas!"
Profile picturelifeoutsidegx reviewed 9 months ago
"quick high quality work! very responsive"
Profile picturetendielabx reviewed about 2 years ago
"So quick, so quick to get what I wanted, I’ll definitely be using him again if he’s available."
Profile picturemdupuis reviewed over 3 years ago
"This design accomplished everything we were looking for and we’re really happy with the results. Carlo nailed it and we’d highly recommend him to anyone looking for design assistance!"
Anonymous client reviewed about 4 years ago
"Perfect design in just 2 days! Had a very good experience. "
Anonymous client reviewed about 4 years ago